The price of a coffee

Today, in the Salvation Army we observe Human Trafficking Sunday. It’s a day when, as a whole church we talk about and pray about human trafficking. It’s one of those difficult Sundays for me, with all my openness about homelessness and poverty, there are still some things I don’t talk about. I sit through theseContinueContinue reading “The price of a coffee”

The Poverty of Self Worth

I’ve just come home from one of the most frustrating evenings. I’ve been in London for the launch of the Joseph Rountree Foundation strategy for solving poverty in the UK. An important event which I urge you to search the hashtag #solveukpoverty and find the video of the event. At 4pm we (20 of us)ContinueContinue reading “The Poverty of Self Worth”

Communicating Poverty

This is a post I have written for the Leeds Poverty Truth commission, which I post here for others to read and ponder.  Over the past seven years I’ve gone from being hospitalised every couple months to getting a place at University. I didn’t do it alone and although it was hard work it alsoContinueContinue reading “Communicating Poverty”

Artwork is Work

This morning I received an email Hello Joy,  This morning during Social Services prayers I took the opportunity to ask my colleagues to judge the entries in the logo competition.  I am delighted to be able to let you know that one of your designs has been chosen and will be the logo for theContinueContinue reading “Artwork is Work”