Pepper Pot Wardrobe

Another free pattern to help your isolation.
The wardrobe for the Pepper Pot dolls

Which Felting Needle do I use?

Here’s a little problem. There are so many felting needles out there, and some come in fine, medium and hard sizes rather than gauge sizes. What does it all mean and which one should I buy? Well, here’s some help. I have sourced as many felting needles as I could find, each different and someContinueContinue reading “Which Felting Needle do I use?”

Magic Fairies

One brilliant subject we’ve been getting into at the Saturday class is needle felting. We started off with pictures but soon worked our way to brilliant needle felted fairies. Normally in our classes we pick something to make and we all make it, but we’ve decided to give another way of working a go. SoContinueContinue reading “Magic Fairies”