18 years image

Friday I came home from hospital after a week of being on the covid ward. But Friday also marked a special day, 18 years of sobriety. I often wonder whether still counting the years is worth it, I mean, after all this time the chances of me wandering off for a bottle of vodka isContinue reading "18 years image"

Hospital Drawing

I’m currently in hospital with this dreaded covid. Thankfully I brought my travel drawing supplies and iPad, so I’m ok. At first I decided to just draw anything, which is not how I work, I like to have in mind what to draw, but one of the side effects of this thing I’m finding isContinue reading "Hospital Drawing"

Sharing your lunch

Whether the story is about miracles, or giving what little you have or that we can feed the world if we all share, it’s a story worth telling.​

Bible Story Finger Puppets

Having little ones in my life has made me question how we can tell the Bible stories better.

Rabby – Character Design

I've recently started drawing some characters that I hope to turn into childrens birthday cards. Each animal character is an animal found in the English countryside.